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acts of kindness

A collection of posts that show how kindness is an active pursuit. These positive stories cover a wide range of acts of kindness to others that people have taken.

Selfie of Becky smiling and wearing a grey t-shirt with a rainbow on it.

Becky Goddard-Hill on raising kind kids

Have you watched Becky Goddard-Hill TEDx talk on raising kind kids? I absolutely loved it! From the story she told at the start to sharing how she learned to be kind from her mother and the importance of kindness to the emotional wellbeing of our children, Becky is a kindness superhero. Do give it a […]

Akua and 2 of her fellow volunteers at the Netball World Cup

What if…we all take joy from being a volunteer

Following on from Volunteers Week 2021, it seemed only right to ask experienced volunteer, Akua Opong, to write this month’s guest blog. She shares with us the joy that she gets from her volunteering activities and the ways in which they benefit the organisations, herself and her employer. Read on and be inspired…. The Covid-19

A person stands with arms outstretched in front of a moody night sky and a lit up heart shape of authenticity and self-compassion

What if….you are your own inner ally?

Being kind has many elements to it. Showing kindness to others is an important aspect, as is treating yourself well. For this month’s ‘What If’ blog, I’m delighted to bring you this piece from Lucy Whitehall, a wellbeing coach for senior leaders and managers, who shares her personal story of self-compassion. Imagine if you will,