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Kindness Blog

This series of blogs is designed to spark ideas for building on the positive things that already happen. I’m always on the look-out for new writers, especially from under-represented groups who don’t always get a chance to have their voices heard. If you’d like to write for Time for Kindness, send me your kindness blog idea.

A photo of a white woman with blonde hair, in business dress, talking to an audience

The Power of Kindness in the Workplace: Listening Beyond Words

My guest this month is voice specialist and coach, Anne Leatherland. In this piece she explores the way that people express kindness through their voice and shares tips for listening out for that kindness in your workplace. In the modern workplace, where deadlines, tasks, and performance metrics often take centre stage, kindness is a quality […]

A colourful and joyful image of a sign that says 'You belong'

Create true inclusion to be kind

National Inclusion Week runs from 23-29 September. It’s all about making an impact by including everyone, particularly in workplaces. I first wrote a version of this blog for my monthly kindness column in my local paper and it seemed appropriate to update it for this week. One way to be kind is to include other

A selection of social science research materials such as coloured pens, post-it notes and folders

Research into kindness

I believe that kindness is a positive thing. Whether you are being kind, you are receiving kindness or you notice it take place, you feel better as a result. So I am delighted that there is an increasing body of academic research that is proving this positive effect to be true. The Sussex Centre for

2 pairs of legs and feet belonging to young people, shown wearing trainers and hanging down in front of a wall with graffiti on it

3 reasons to celebrate kindness in young people

I’ve been thinking about kindness and young people. There are so many times when they are kind and it’s good to celebrate that. Kindness tools and attitude Factors such as the pandemic and the cost of living crisis put increasing pressure on young people’s mental health. In response, schools are building on their measures to

A photo of Rupa and Vardeep under a banner for their Courageous Collective podcast

What if… we support others by sharing stories?

This month’s guest blog highlights the impact you can have when you support other people to share their stories. Rupa and Vardeep are experienced communication professionals who bring their skills to this area of kindness and share practical suggestions for how you can do the same. Throughout our working lives, we’ve both had moments of

Image shows a team of 9 colleagues on a purple background. All 9 team members have been given cartoon bodies with simple tops and bottoms in a range of colours including black, white, green, orange, and pinks. They each have photographic heads. The team leader (Dee) is the sixth person along and is shown larger than the other team members. They have a cartoon superhero costume resembling Wonder Woman and a huge, beaming smile on the photograph of their face. The image has a white Scottish SPCA logo in the top right hand corner. White text on the image reads, "We'll miss you Dee!"]

What if … change is handled with kindness?

I first spotted this month’s guest, Dee Russell, talking about change on LinkedIn and I was delighted when they agreed to share their experience and tips with us. Change is often difficult but it can be a very different experience for all concerned when it is handled with kindness. I’ve led teams through organisational change

A yellow post-it with a drawing of a lightbulb on it is pinned to a cork board with a red pin

What if … we practise the skill of thinking kindly?

My guest blog this month comes from the wonderful Rachel Stewart, a coach for career redesign. It’s a fascinating read of how we can take skills from one area of our life and apply them in a different context – in this case, the skill of thinking kindly. As a coach, my engagement with my

A pair of cartoon eyes above the words see kind, it's everywhere

Does the world need more kindness?

There is always room for more kindness. And yet, in telling ourselves that the world needs more kindness, we run the risk of missing all the kindness that we already have. Not the only story It is true that there is a lot of darkness and cruelty in the world right now. Near and far

A large group of people stood and sat on a football pitch. Some wearing football shirts.

How to spot community kindness

I believe that kindness is powerful because it connects us all as human beings. My belief in that power means that I see it in all sorts of settings. One of those settings is within communities. Dictionaries usually define a community as a group of people with something in common. This could be the place

A photo of a young child with her hair in a ponytail and wearing a knitted cardigan, bending over and looking through binoculars at something out of sight in the distance

See kind: what happens when we notice kindness?

Earlier this week I ran a lunch’n’learn session about the power of noticing kindness in the world around you. We talked about definitions of kindness, showed stories of kind actions we had seen and thought about how to take notice more often. At the end of the workshop the participants took turns to tell the