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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Shopping basket

Checking out how much the person behind you has in their shopping basket* definitely counts as an act of kindness!

Emma Cossey messaged me to say:

“I’m not sure if it counts, but I’m always warmed by the kindness people show in the queues at Aldi. I’ve noticed people always tend to look behind them, and if the person behind them only has a few items when they have a trolley load, they let them go ahead. This isn’t a one-off, I’ve noticed it happens every time. Maybe it’s because they don’t have a baskets till.” 

*I also like to check out what people have in their shopping baskets as a way to inspire myself to try new foods and recipes – that might count as kindness to self too? Let me know what you think!

Note: Neither Emma nor I are being paid to say good things about Aldi – other supermarkets are available. In fact, I’ve definitely experienced this phenomenon myself in Sainsburys and Waitrose at least.

Image credit: Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash