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Today we remember the 52 people who lost their lives in the London Tube bombings. And everyone else who was affected in some way by that awful, indescribable day. My love, thoughts and prayers go out to you all.

I was working in London at that time, but by complete chance I was unwell and didn’t go to work that day. The first I knew that something had happened was when family and friends started contacting me to check I was safe. My husband was abroad with work and his boss contacted him to ask if I was OK.

It was a day that none of us will ever forget.

As well as the horrors of that day, I also like to remember the kindnesses.

  • The people who helped others who were injured, lost or just plain scared.
  • The people that opened their shops and businesses as refuges for people who couldn’t get to where they needed to be.
  • The people who walked each other home.
  • The people who phoned their friends, loved ones and work colleagues to check they were safe.
  • And so many other ways in which humans showed their humanity to other humans.

My love, thoughts and prayers go out to all of those people too.

Image credit: Photo by Bruno Martins on Unsplash