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a pepperoni pizza in a box with the hand of someone taking a slice. Just visible outside the box is a plate with a slice of pizza on it

Stranger shares pizza from food truck.

“I work on a street food truck and we do one size of pizza, which didn’t work for the mum who wanted a smaller pizza for her son. She decided not to get one but a man who had just received his pizza offered her some slices of his for free. She was so grateful […]

A black coat laying on a wood floor. Text overlaid reads “Stranger picks up coat in Brussels restaurant.”

Stranger picks up coat in Brussels restaurant.

In Brussels my husband’s coat was knocked off the back of his chair in a busy restaurant – somebody at a nearby table told him it had happened so that he could pick it up before it got trodden on or tripped up one of the waiting staff. Discover the kindness happening every day with

View across a road to a raised footpath where four boys are sitting. Beyond the path are some large trees and buildings.

Refugee teens pose for photos like normal teenage boys.

“We have refugees staying across the road and I noticed some of the teenager boys had got all dressed up and were helping each other pose and taking photos of each other. It was so lovely to watch them showing each other kindness – and more so knowing that they are safe enough to do

a for sale sign from Chris Davies attached to a wooden fence with a red “sold” label no the bottom. Behind it are some railings, footpaths and another house.

Miscommunication leads to opportunity for kindness.

“We had a house survey and I was told it was between 1pm and 3pm, and that both dogs and I needed to be out – only there was a miscommunication and he arrived at just after 9am. He was really kind and said not to panic, explained what he needed to do and said

View from the backseat of a car at two people sitting in the front. Text overlaid reads “Colleague gives lift back to the office on hot day.”

Colleague gives lift back to the office on hot day.

“My colleague gave me a lift back to the office after a visit so I avoided additional sweat!” What a kind colleague – we’re sure this kind of thing happens all the time so we’d love to hear your stories of kindness in the workplace! Check out these other stories of kindness to remind you

View up an apple tree with a branch laden with apples in the foreground, more apples are visible further back on the tree.

Charity offers apples from office garden to anyone who wants them.

“At No5, we have two apple trees in our office garden that are full of apples and are beginning to drop. As we don’t have much use for these, we were wondering if any organisations here (or that you know of) could make use of them and would like to collect them (perhaps weekly)? We

a close view of the storage compartment of a coach. 3 suitcases are stowed there. Text overlaid reads “Coach driver takes elderly couple home early at no extra charge.”

Coach driver takes elderly couple home early at no extra charge.

“My in-laws had been to stay with us and on their return to the UK, their flight landed ahead of time and they collected their bags quicker than expected. This meant that they would need to wait several hours for the airport coach they had booked to take them back to their home town. When

Strangers connect with kindness over politics.

“On my dog walk I got chatting with a woman who happened to express her support for the Tory who used to be our MP. I mentioned I didn’t support him because he consistently voted against Queer rights and I’m Queer. She said she was disappointed to hear that he’d voted that way and she

A laptop on a wooden table, hands in front of it holding a phone looking at their emails. Text overlaid reads “A client warned me they would be late paying because of a surprise expense.”

A client warned me they would be late paying because of a surprise expense.

“One of my clients sent me a message to inform me they won’t be able to pay their invoice, due tomorrow, on time. The money they had allocated for my services got eaten up by an unexpected expense and they didn’t want to overdraft their account. They just needed a few more days. All my