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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Kindness at the CiPD Festival of Work

Kindness at the CiPD Festival of Work

a swipe of purple with CIPD Festival of Work on it in white.

I spotted several examples of kindness at the CiPD Festival Of Work (of course!):

  • A delegate dropped her phone during a talk & the person behind her told her she’d dropped it & picked it up for her.
  • I overheard someone complimenting the nails of a person on a supplier stand.
  • In the queue at lunchtime a person in one queue asked someone who was nearer to the display cabinet to pass her a sandwich so she didn’t lose her place..

What kindness have you seen this week?

Need some inspiration, here’s a few more stories:

Pauline, the North Wales Saint, helps family after they were run off the road.

“I found an iPhone and made sure it got back to the owner.”

Strangers come to the rescue as Border Collie has epileptic fit.