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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Strangers help Morris Minor owner get home on Boxing Day

Strangers help Morris Minor owner get home on Boxing Day

A black and white photo of a Morris Minor on a road. Text overlaid reads "Strangers help Morris Minor owner get home on Boxing Day.”

“On boxing day I was driving home from North Wales, in my Morris Minor, and nearly ran out of petrol (I didn’t think about fuel station closures, what a Muppet) .

I pulled over to somewhere safe as the moggie is basic, with no 4 way hazard lights, and breaking down would have caused chaos.

I slept in the moggie and it was 10miles to the nearest fuel station, so I headed off at first light, thumb out and petrol can in hand.

A super kind lady and her family stopped and took me to the fuel station, not only did they save me a 10 mile hike but also spoke to a couple of builders and ask them if they were going back up the A470, and if so could they take me back to the Morris Minor, which they did.

The super kind lady and her family and the builders acts of kindness just proved there are some very good people in this world, and I will be forever grateful.”

Big thanks to Rob for sending this in to us!

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