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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Thank you Team Kind for KindFest 23

Thank you Team Kind for KindFest 23

Sarah wrapped up in a scarf and coat with ear buds in. She is smiling at the camera. Beside her is the Kind Fest 23 logo and text reading "thank you Kind Fest!" Above her is the Time for Kindness logo.

Thank you so much to Susie, Kim, Shivonne and all the team for having me as one of their speakers at KindFest this year! I can’t really express just how exciting it was and how honoured I felt to be part of it.

I have been an attendee each year since the first KindFest back in 2020 and always taken inspiration and positivity from what I’ve seen and heard.

To think that I and the Time for Kindness programme might have provided even a fraction of that positivity to someone this year, it blows my mind 😊

Anyone who wants to join us as a voluntary Kindness Ambassador and help to build the conversation about kindness in the world is very welcome.