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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Scottish man helps stranger check air pressure and put on spare wheel because it was so low.

Scottish man helps stranger check air pressure and put on spare wheel because it was so low.

Close up of a flat car tyre. A hand is holding a pipe connecting air to it to try to inflate it. Text overlaid reads “Scottish man helps stranger check air pressure and put on spare wheel because it was so low.”

“We were on our way to the Lake District and we stopped at Lancaster service station and we got an alert on the car saying we had a low tire pressure.

I pulled up to air station and tried to put pressure in and it just wouldn’t work.

This Scottish man saw that I was struggling and offered to help, the pressure was so low that he helped me put on my spare wheel! I couldn’t believe it!”

Big thanks to Kerensa who sent this to us through our website using the form here – we’re always looking for more stories so make sure you tell us about the kindness you’re seeing!

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