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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Local offers shower, food and warm bed to those living in tents.

Local offers shower, food and warm bed to those living in tents.

A man with medium light skin tone and a black moustache, wearing a blue shower cap, covered in suds, stands in a shower blowing suds off his hand. Text overlaid reads “Local offers shower, food and warm bed to those living in tents.”

“In a local Facebook group I’m in somebody posted to say that if anyone saw people living in tents (there’s been a few recently for a few reasons) to give them his address and he’ll provide a hot meal, shower and a comfy bed.

I thought it was so kind for him to offer. The same man has been doing a lot of acts of kindness, filling the local community with compassion and making people’s lives a bit better too which is a joy to see.”

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