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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Hypnotherapist recommends alternative provider to client.

Hypnotherapist recommends alternative provider to client.

A woman lying on a therapists couch in a hypnotic state while a therapist sits on a chair next to her taking notes on a clipboard. Text overlaid reads “hypnotherapist recommends alternative provider to client.”

“A hypnotherapist and fellow member of a network I’m part of, told me that a potential client had come to her for an initial exploratory call. It became clear that although the client needed something similar to what she offers, she wasn’t a complete fit.

Rather than pressing ahead, she explained this to the client and recommended another therapist who she knew could help more.

This was really kind to both the client and the other therapist, as well as to herself as she wouldn’t have felt completely comfortable knowing others could help more.”

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