“For anyone who’s ever been to a Charity Freelancer Chat – thanks so much ❤.
I’ve been heartened by just how willing people are to get involved and help out:
In our first session, Lauren Baxter created the directory for everyone to contribute to – not just our names, services, and LinkedIn profiles, but other communities and places to find work.
Many people volunteered their time – unprompted – to help out with anything.
Dawn Newton made the logo (again, unprompted as a gift) and kindly gave her time to share own experiences from Charity Meetup.
Gemma Pettman stepped in to host when I was snowed under with work (my own fault). Countless people have given me their feedback and suggestions for improvements.
For anyone who’s come to a Chat, or offered to help out, or shown even the smallest bit of interest in #CharityFreelancerChat – thank you ❤”
I loved seeing this post from Richard on LinkedIn – there is so much kindness in the charity sector and it’s great to see it celebrated.
More charity themed kindness:
Link Friend helps keep loneliness at bay in older people.
Berkshire MS Therapy Centre is filled with welcoming volunteers.