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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Small Charity Week 2021

Small Charity Week 2021

Small Charity Week logo with the details of the week

This week is #SmallCharityWeek. It’s a chance to celebrate all the things that small charities up and down the UK are doing in a bid to create a kinder world.

I’ve been involved with charities of all sizes over the years, both as a trustee and as a communicator and kindness cheerleader. The work that they do is varied and the way that they operate is also varied. Some have paid staff, some are entirely volunteer-run; some work in their local community, some operate nationally. They also have plenty of things in common, primarily the desire to make some sort of positive difference in the world.

This week is about learning as well as celebration. There’s a whole range of free workshops for small charities to take part in. You can find details on what’s happening from

If you have a story to tell about a small charity and the kindness it creates, I’d love to hear about it so please do get in touch.