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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Well done to the woman who went to help a lady cross the road to the train station

Well done to the woman who went to help a lady cross the road to the train station

a busy road in rainy weather with cars backed up and blurry people crossing the road, many with umbrellas up. Text overlaid reads “Well done to the woman who went to help a lady cross the road to the train station.”

Here’s something we spied posted in a Facebook group recently, “Well done to the woman wearing a flowery top who went to help a lady cross the road to the train station, there were over 20 people a short distance away and you were the only one to go help (I was on my way but you managed to get there first).”

It’s so wonderful that there were two kindness superheroes headed to help her!

What kindness have you seen this week?

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