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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Smiggle and Diana Award partner for kindness campaign.

Smiggle and Diana Award partner for kindness campaign.

A Smiggle craft project titled “choose kindness chatterbox” There is a large box in the middle with suggestions of kindness to do such as sit with someone, compliment someone, offer to help someone with a school project and hug a friend.” The instructions to the side show how to cut and fold it to randomly choose a kind act to do.

A couple of people contacted me to tell me about the Smiggle and Diana Award kindness campaign that they’ve come across while in the shop looking for new pencil cases, etc for their kids.

As well as the products, there was a wall where people can write messages of kindness.

Big thank you to Nina who sent in the photo.

What a wonderful campaign, you can read more about it here – has it got your children noticing more kindness?

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