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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Slippery floor

We love this example of kind good Samaritans who helped Gareth when he fell over in the street during the recent cold snap.

“Late one evening, I slipped on ice near to Penny Lane in Liverpool, knocking myself unconscious. I’d sustained a nasty injury to the back of my head that was bleeding heavily. When I came to I was being gently sat up by somebody, with somebody else holding a surgical pad to the back of my head before applying a bandage around my head.

“I then recall two lovely ladies offering to take me to A&E but in my confusion I stubbornly said ‘it’s fine I’ll just head home if that’s ok?’

“They very kindly drove me to my front door to see me home safely.

“I don’t know who any of these lovely good Samaritans are, but they definitely prevented a bad situation from deteriorating any further and I thank them very, very much.

“The following morning I saw sense and went to A&E where I had 9 stitches and glue to seal the wound.”

All at Team TfK send you our best wishes, Gareth, and we’re glad to hear you’re now on the mend.

Photo by Justus Menke on Unsplash