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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Pony of Perseverance reignites motivation for amplifying kindness.

Pony of Perseverance reignites motivation for amplifying kindness.

a piece of paper with a pink and purple hand drawn pony running on it. Handwritten text along her back reads “Penelope the pony of perseverance.”

My friend, Morwhenna Woolcock sent me a postcard of Penelope, the pony of perseverance.

I’ve been having some wobbles about the Time for Kindness programme, a lot of work goes into this programme that means so much to me and sometimes I have lower confidence about getting it off the ground. So Penelope the pony of perseverance arrived at just the right time! To remind me to keep going, my mission to inspire and teach people to notice and value kindness in the world is important, it’s already changing people’s world view for the better and there is so much more to come.

Morwhenna is an artist and creates animals with super powers every year – previous ones have included Timmy the cat of confidence and Tilly the fox of patience.

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