“I was driving home from my daughter’s house, aware that the car was over running whenever I stopped in traffic, then became aware that I was loosing power.
I managed to keep going and luckily got off the dual carriageway. On a very busy B road it was clear something was very wrong. It felt like I was in the wrong gear (which to be honest is likely).
I decided to pull in at King & Stevens Ltd on the Cowfold road as it was the only thing for miles plus it was getting dark. As I stopped to turn right into it my car died, right in the middle of the road. Cars were queuing up on both sides of the road and I was a bit panicky.
Out from said machinery centre came Gary (my hero), he pushed my car to the safety of the forecourt, looked under the bonnet which showed a split radiator hose, made me a brew and calmed me down. His boss (Darren) and other team mates moved my car to a safe place so I could leave it overnight and sort out repair. They couldn’t have been kinder to me and I am so grateful.
I bake cakes for a living so some a box of goodies will be heading their way. There really are some fine human beings out there.”
It sounds like King & Stevens Ltd has a team of kindness superheroes working there!
Or see even more examples of kindness:
Pets At Home delivery driver goes the extra mile.
Hardworking dad spreads and receives kindness in retirement.