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Furloughed fundraisers

Screenshot of a LinkedIn post from Nikki Wrench reading “Supporting people to get new jobs in the sector is one of my favourite things to do! I’ve lost count now of the amount of people that I’ve had the pleasure of working with, helping them to build their CVs, practising interview skills and building their confidence around having conversations about salary! Every person that I’ve supported this year has got the job and it’s the best feeling in the world getting messages like this. They all have the potential to get the job without my help - all I’m doing is helping them to feel more prepared and therefore more confident. I’d highly recommend doing this - it’s a great way to volunteer your skills and bring more fantastic fundraisers into the charity sector.”

Isn’t it amazing when even more good comes of a kindness.

I featured Nikki’s fundraisers support group on Time for Kindness last year as she’d set up a support group for fundraisers who had been furloughed.

Recently she posted over on LinkedIn about some huge successes she’d had while supporting other fundraisers to get new jobs.

Well done Nikki for taking the initiative and helping so many people!