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Community comes together to support each other during wildfires.

a wildfire sweeping through a forest. Text overlaid reads “Community comes together to support each other during wildfires.”

“I’m writing from the Valparaíso Region in Chile where we recently had some horrendous wildfires (131 dead, up to 30,000 people displaced/homeless) and I would like to share just how much the community has reached out to help one another.

The volunteer firefighters who spent 5 days combatting the fires; the scores of vets and vet technicians who have been going out to find, rescue and treat injured animals; the individuals helping clear debris, donating money and goods, organizing soup kitchens, welcoming into their homes people made homeless – the list goes on.

Everyone I know has helped in one way or another.

A New Zealand friend, Kathy, lives in a neighbourhood where 10 houses burned down. She is currently accommodating people in her home and has even made room for a hen with chicks!

Her family in New Zealand donated enough funds to buy the materials for a friend’s house to be rebuilt – all the labour being given free by that lady’s own family.

The volunteers who run the local neighbourhood association are working tirelessly to ensure that everyone is ok and to help get new houses built.

It’s truly humbling to see such an outpouring of kindness.”

A big thank you to Helen for sharing this great reminder to look for the helpers in wildfires and other situations, and we hope that things are improving there for you all.

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