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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Boots customer lets Mum and school-age son in school uniform go ahead in queue and said something really positive to cashier.

Boots customer lets Mum and school-age son in school uniform go ahead in queue and said something really positive to cashier.

a pharmacist holds a box of medicine and uses a mouse to find something on the computer while a man with grey hair waits. Text overlaid reads “Boots customer lets Mum and school-age son in school uniform go ahead in queue and said something really positive to cashier.”

“I was in Boots when it first opened. An older gentleman ahead of me in the queue noticed that behind him was a Mum and her school-age son in school uniform. He offered for them to go ahead of him so that they were done quicker and the lad could get to school.

Then when he walked away from the counter after his own turn, the shop assistant was beaming because he’d said something really positive to her (I didn’t catch what exactly) and she said it had made her day.”

This man certainly sounds like a kindness superhero, spreading kindness wherever he goes. What kindness have you seen lately?

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