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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Autism assessment brings out kindness everywhere.

Autism assessment brings out kindness everywhere.

A pile of papers including an AQ-10 test, adult referral for a diagnostic assessment of Autism form, and a letter mentioning differences in social interaction, social communication, repetitive and restrictive behaviours, the rest of the letter covered by a rainbow coloured infinity symbol.

“I’ve put the wheels in motion to get an Autism assessment and have experienced so much kindness:

  • My best friend wrote a supporting letter based on her experiences of living with me.
  • A friend and colleague put me in touch with a neurodivergent coach who gave me so much support and advice.
  • The Autistic community have been really supportive and shared their experiences too.

While I know the assessment journey is likely to be quite hard, it has also created so many opportunities for me to see and receive kindness and I’m really grateful for that.”

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