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kindness is contagious

Sarah throws her hands in the air and smiles broadly. She exudes fun. She is stood outside in a grassy area with trees behind her.

Time for Kindness needs you!

My mission is to amplify kindness and I need you to help me! All the stories of kindness posted to this account are from people, like you, who allowed me to share it to show that there is so much kindness in the world if we choose to see it. I love to hear kindness […]

"Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have."

Random Acts of Kindness Day 2022

A reminder that kindness doesn’t need to cost anything this Random Acts of Kindness Day. The kindness of smiling at a stranger in the street is powerful. Just as giving a loved one a bear hug can make them feel less alone. Or replying to a post on social media just to tell someone how

Magenta square with the Time for Kindness logo and the words 'what act of kindness did you do last week?'

Day 17 – tell your story

Celebrate kindness – What act of kindness, big or small, did you do this week? Many of us do small acts of kindness daily without even thinking – picking up the purse that the person in frontdropped and handing it back to them, holding the door open for someone, smiling warmly at the stranger withthe

A black and white photo of a woman singing

Day 3 – singing Dolly songs

Day 3: Amplify kindness: A joyful story of connection to make us all smile on a Friday afternoon. My friend, Debs, went for her covid booster this morning. She was given the Moderna vaccine. She got chatting to an Italian gentleman in the queue and they were reading through the possible side effects. He laughed

Pink post-it note with the positive message ‘You are awesome’

Positive message

I recently heard about this wonderful story of kindness. During the covid lockdowns, mum and beauty business owner, Cassandra Baker, and her 2 children sent cards with positive messages to anyone they felt was in need of a kind word. They made the cards themselves and added in positive words and affirmations to make people

a person with curly hair carrying a shopping basket and taking a box down from a shelf

Shopping basket

Checking out how much the person behind you has in their shopping basket* definitely counts as an act of kindness! Emma Cossey messaged me to say: “I’m not sure if it counts, but I’m always warmed by the kindness people show in the queues at Aldi. I’ve noticed people always tend to look behind them,

A red square background with the words about amazing people doing amazing things in their communities in white

Amazing people, amazing things

There are lots of people doing amazing things in their communities, without fuss or drama, just getting on with it. From school governors to community action groups, from checking in on elderly neighbours to volunteer drivers taking vulnerable individuals to hospital appointments, from Covid vaccinators to sorting through donations at charity shops, from doing a

Magenta and white square asking who has been kind to you recently or how have you been kind to others

Call out for kindness stories

I want to fill social media with stories of kindness. I believe that people are being kind to each other every day, we just don’t always hear about it. That’s why I started this Time for Kindness account and #ProjectAmplifyKindness. I’m always on the look-out for new stories to tell. So I’d love to know who

A photo of me wearing sunglasses on a sunny day and holding up my covid vaccine sticker and NHS leaflet

COVID vaccine #1

Today was the day! I’m in the age bracket currently being called forward for a COVID vaccination, so off I toddled to get my first dose. The kindness of the people at the vaccination centre made me a tad emotional. They must have to say the same things and answer the same questions literally hundreds

A little girl wearing a T-shirt that says Future Leader

What if… leaders prioritise kindness?

This month I am delighted to bring to you a ‘What If’ blog piece from communications manager, Nafisa Shafiq. She shares a personal experience of kindness from a manager and talks us through actions that leaders can take to prioritise kindness. It was 9.47 on Saturday morning when I heard my phone ring. I was