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A photo of a white woman with blonde hair, in business dress, talking to an audience

The Power of Kindness in the Workplace: Listening Beyond Words

My guest this month is voice specialist and coach, Anne Leatherland. In this piece she explores the way that people express kindness through their voice and shares tips for listening out for that kindness in your workplace. In the modern workplace, where deadlines, tasks, and performance metrics often take centre stage, kindness is a quality […]

an old building of red brick and smooth pale brown with 6 carved pillars in the centre below the carved words of “Royal Berkshire Hospital” and a crest. In the foreground is a modern sign for NHS Royal Berkshire Hospital and cars parked around.

Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS staff lead with love.

I was at the Royal Berkshire Hospital with my Mum for an appointment to get her new hearing aids fitted. It’s a large, confusing building so we were trying to find the right department. Almost the minute we stopped in a corridor to try and work out where we needed to go, a hospital employee

a person with light skin tone sitting at a computer keyboard with a braille keyboard above it, their hands are on the braille keyboard. Text overlaid reads “Blind social media user shares gratitude for people who include alt text.”

Blind social media user shares gratitude for people who include alt text.

“As a Blind person, I never thought I would be on social media savoring photos. But the communal Mastodon alt text game is so strong that sweet, poetic or silly descriptions abound on my timeline. Thanks to legions of people who take time to write a meaningful description of the ephemera they post, I learn

11 people are visible laughing and smiling on a group call to the side of a slide show which reads “who is this” and has an image of lips. A countdown is happening at the bottom of the screen.

All staff quiz helps beat loneliness and spark connection.

For Loneliness Awareness Week this year, Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium took the theme, ‘random acts of connection’ and turned it into a way to connect their team through an all-staff quiz! We hear it went really well and it’s such a great way to encourage connection in a natural and fun way. What does your

Text reading “kind reply to client enquiry has a big impact” above a drawing of a unicorn beside a rainbow, in the rainbow text reads “have courage and be kind.”

Kind reply to client enquiry has a big impact.

“I had an enquiry email from someone who was going through a rough time – part of my reply said to focus on finding their feet again first. I got a reply to say ‘I don’t know if I’m just having an emotional day or something but your message just hit me, it’s so supportive

A hospital corridor with a large yellow circular sticker stuck on the floor. The sticker has a smiley face on it and reads “look up and smile. #BeAHelloHero. Brighten a day and say hello.”

Be a hello hero!

“Positive patient experiences start with small acts of kindness. The simple act of a sharing a smile as you pass someone in the corridor, and an acknowledgement by saying hello cultivates a positive culture and caring environment. This month during Patient Experience Month at Albury Wodonga Health we are asking staff to #BeAHelloHero. The challenge

A photo of Rupa and Vardeep under a banner for their Courageous Collective podcast

What if… we support others by sharing stories?

This month’s guest blog highlights the impact you can have when you support other people to share their stories. Rupa and Vardeep are experienced communication professionals who bring their skills to this area of kindness and share practical suggestions for how you can do the same. Throughout our working lives, we’ve both had moments of

Text reading “Barry Winbolt’s podcast. Sarah Browning. Time for Kindness.” Under it are photos of Barry, a man with light skin tone, grey hair and beard, wearing glasses and a white top with a blue shirt over it, and Sarah, a woman with light skin tone and blonde hair, smiling broadly.

Get a Better Handle on Life podcast with Barry Winbolt and Time for Kindness

I’m on the Get a Better Handle on Life podcast with Barry Winbolt and you can listen to it now on your favourite podcast app or right here: . We had such an enjoyable chat about kindness – I’d love to hear your thoughts when you’ve listened to it.