A Tweet led to a flurry of other people shouting out kindness they’d experienced on trains – and then to an article on The Poke highlighting them all!
The original Tweet read
“To the Southern Rail UK driver who pulled into West Norwood, saw me standing on the wrong platform, watched me realise and sprint with a buggy out of the station and around it, and then reopened the doors even though he’d already closed them, I wish only good things for you always. And I know he saw me do those things, because he stopped me at London Bridge for a good-natured, and well-deserved chuckle at my expense. In fact, does anyone know if I can nominate him for some kind of award? There wasn’t another train for half an hour!”
Southern Rail replied to say they would pass on the praise to the person in question 🥳️.
And here’s just a few of the replies that Tweet got too:
“I was in Falmer Station at Friday lunchtime feeling very ill, sheltering from the rain, waiting for a friend to pick me up, and the man working there checked on me to see if I was OK.”
“I was once in an U-Bahn station in Berlin, running for the train, doors already closed; the driver saw me, opened his own door and I got in via his cab! there’s no better way to start the journey!”
“I nearly missed a connection at York after a very long journey and delay, so they rang ahead and held my train in York for 1 minute. Saved me be stuck for hours. You remember these things.”
Check out some of the kindness stories that were sent to us:
2 men help runner after fall in country lanes.