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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Stranger shares rice cakes with families on bus.

Stranger shares rice cakes with families on bus.

A pile of rice cakes with text overlaid reading “Stranger shares rice cakes with families on bus.”

“We were on the bus heading into Manchester a couple of weeks ago with our two year old boy. Sat in front and to the side of us were two other young families.

The dad of the family in front of us opened up a bag of rice cakes for his children. Without hesitation, he then offered one to my son and to the children of the family next to us.

It made my heart warm to see such simple kindness transcending backgrounds and cultures.”

Big thank you to Ben for sending in this beautiful moment of kindness for us to share.

Remember that we’re challenging you to notice 50 acts of kindness before World Kindness Day and tag us in them to win a prize! All the details are here.