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Lost 1960s trumpet returned.

a trumpet sitting beside it’s case on a tiled floor

“We live in Liverpool and my son Samuel was taking the bus to school. He put the trumpet case under the seat at the bus stop and then got on the bus. He only realised the trumpet was missing when he got to school.

The trumpet is a 1960s jazz trumpet so is quite expensive. He reported it to school that he had lost his trumpet and they rang us to check the local bus stop. My husband was working at home and so went to check. No trumpet!

In the meantime a lady, Vicky, had picked it up at the bus stop near us on her way to work. She then rang all the local schools on the bus route asking if anyone had lost a trumpet, and on the 4th school got Samuel’s school. We were lucky that Samuel had reported it.

Then it just so happens that she was going to a dentist after work and could pop the trumpet into the security guard at the school.

We are so grateful to Vicky. It really puts your faith in people that there are kind people out there.”

What a wonderful example of kindness – big thank you to Victoria for allowing us to share it.

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