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Librarian goes above and beyond.

several bookcases filled with books. Text overlaid reads “Librarian goes above and beyond.”

What kindness have you seen recently that could also be described as “just doing their job”?

In the library, I asked a librarian to look up whether they had any other books by the same author who wrote one of the books I was returning. It turned out that there are a couple of her books in another library that is run by Wokingham Borough Council, in another part of town a short bike ride away.

The librarian could have left it at providing the info I’d asked for, but she then suggested that I should phone the other library before setting out, to check that they do have the books on their shelves at the moment, just in case the system hasn’t been updated for some reason. I thought this extra step was really kind.

I wrote more about the many people who say they’re “just doing their job” but are actually showing lots of kindness on LinkedIn, read it here.

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