On Instagram, I’ve connected with Flora and her soulful ceramic pieces.
Although we use different media, we have a similar sensibility in how we create. So we decided on an art swap – and I was thrilled to receive one of Flora’s exquisite kintsugi pieces, while she received one of my ceramic inspired collagraph prints.
The print Flora chose represents a very similar aesthetic to her own work, and echoes the rich, iron-red clay as shown in the particular piece here. Would you believe she hadn’t seen the print in the reel & I hadn’t seen her tea bowl!
The surface has such complexity – each little section evokes a different abstract texture. As you can see with the images there are such similar emotional responses to both Flora’s work and my printmaking, resonating in how the ink and glazes respond to each other.
In exchange for my print, Flora sent an exquisite Kintsugi dish and a stunning ash-glazed tea bowl. The two works resonate together beautifully. It was natural to bring them together, letting myself witness their whispered dialogue of clay, ashes, ink, pigments, and copper.
Both Flora and I celebrate the repair in our work. The way Kintsugi honours imperfection resonates deeply and this can be applied to so much more than ceramics.
This piece & associated kindness story is from Su France Designs, go check out their other work and support small, independent artists.
This post is in collaboration with Art Can.