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Donating hair to children with cancer

Instagram screenshot of a post from bellwen showing two photos, on the left she has long black hair down to her bum, on the one on the right her hair is shoulder-length.

Have you ever donated your hair? Benebell Wen has been doing it for a very long time now and she shared her story alongside her latest donation and has even more kindly allowed me to share it here.

“Obligatory before and after photos. 😁

Last time I did this was 2018, and before that was 2015. Then it was 2010, I believe. Then 2005, sometime amidst law school if I recall. Then 2000, in college. And the very first time I donated 2 ft of hair was in the mid-90s.

Weirdly put, there is a lot of my hair out there. Old school witches are shaking their heads and clucking their tongues, you should never do this, I can hear them nag.”

What a lot of kindness that is out there in the world!