What kindness have you seen today?
@autoimmune.angst shared this lovely story of kindness between disabled people on their story and with us:
“Just went to toilet before ship docks. It’s got a big step to step over. And the doors are springy on this ship (to self close). So that’s more ableist design in action. I got there as the door was opening. Someone was coming out also with a crutch! So with my non crutch hand I held the door open for them as I said “stick life” and they smiled and lifted theirs up a second in solidarity lol. They thanked me.
They had to lift their leg over that step so I helped make that easier. They then held the door for ME going in.
Disabled folks helping each other out access wise.”
Check out even more stories of people being kind:
Vale Gardeners offers free service to elderly locals with overgrown gardens.