My Dad has a cognitive impairment and I was spending the afternoon with him to keep an eye on him ahead of a hospital appointment that was causing more stress than usual.
The weather was good so we spent it in the garden, talking about all the plants, the weather, all the plants again. He has always been a keen gardener but increasingly gets agitated that he doesn’t remember what things are called or what garden jobs he should do when.
He had bought some new plants that morning and was planting them in his flowerbeds. There was one particular area that already had a lot in it but his brain told him it was the only place for the new ones to go so he was getting worked up about it.
In the end I suggested he dig one of the existing plants up and I would plant it in my garden.
I didn’t inherit Dad’s skills (as you can see from the photo) but once a decision had been made and it was ready for me to take away he was much happier.