This kindness story comes to us from my friend and business coach, the lovely Debs Henry-Pollard.
“There is an ice cream van comes to my road every day in the summer and I have never used it. Last week, on a whim, I decided to go down and get a Magnum.
“The van didn’t take cards and I didn’t have any money (haven’t used it since Covid). I was about to walk away disappointed but there was a woman behind me who was getting ice creams for her 3 kids, so she paid for mine as well!”
What a kind lady 🙂
I did ask Debs for a photo of her eating the ice cream, but sadly she didn’t take one. To be fair, if I had a yummy magnum to eat, I probably wouldn’t stop for a photo either!
Get in touch with me to share your story of a kind stranger who did something to make you smile.