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A collection of posts that show how we are part of a bigger #teamkind when we act with kindness. These stories tell us about the positive things that people do to be kind to others.

view down a bus from near the back. A few passengers are scattered around the seats.

Local helps bus passenger get to co-op.

“At the bus stop someone who wasn’t local asked me if the 304 went to St Athan. I said yes and she said she was trying to get to the co-op. I couldn’t help initially but my stop was a few before hers and with some time to think I was able to let her […]

A pink background with two white speech bubbles on it. In one is the Discord logo, in the other text reads “Discord admin creates newbies chat.”

Discord admin creates newbies chat.

“In a Discord I’m in the admin team asked what would help make it easier for newbies to get involved. After a discussion they implemented a ‘newbie chat’ where longer term members are encouraged to interact with newbies so they can make friends and feel comfortable before diving into the larger busy chats.” Helping new

Beth takes a selfie of her and Sarah. Both are smiling broadly as if they have just stopped laughing.

Fellow freelancer helps with procrastination.

I was struggling to get my brain into gear to write a work proposal for a potential new client. Beth Stallwood of Club WorkJoy not only gave me motivational pep talk, she also made a couple of suggestions for how I could present some of the info that I was procrastinating over. Since procrastination is

A chocolate bunt cake with chocolate sauce dripping over it on a white plate on a wooden table. Beside it is a white jug with chocolate sauce dripping down the pouring spout.

Neighbours come to the rescue with a Bunt cake tin!

“A neighbour asked in our road WhatsApp group if anyone had a bundt tin she could borrow – another person immediately responded to say she had one and could bring it round.” We love hearing about kind communities like this – tell us about yours! Photo by American Heritage Chocolate on Unsplash. Even more stories

a pile of black bin bags at the top of a set of stairs beside a hand rail. Text overlaid reads "Neighbour carries bins up & down to first floor.”

Neighbour carries bins up & down to first floor.

“My neighbour carries my bins up and down to my first floor flat for me on bin day. She knows it is difficult for me because of my mobility.” What a wonderful neighbour – a true kindness hero! Even more stories of kindness to restore your faith in humans: Freelancers support each other. Teenagers help

Sarah standing behind the Time for Kindness stall under a red awning. She is talking to an adult with a child, Sarah is wearing a Time for Kindness t-shirt with a square and a magnifying glass around a badge on it. Inlaid is a close up of the badge which has a rainbow and trans pride flag around the edge and reads “you are safe with me.”

You’re safe with Time for Kindness 🏳️‍🌈

Happy Pride Month – acceptance and inclusion is key to kindness which is why Time for Kindness will always be a safe place for the LGBTQIA+ community. At the University of Reading community festival I wore my ‘You’re safe with me” badge as well as my name badge on my T-shirt. Whoever you are, we

A pigeon sitting on a stone. Text beside it reads “boys try to save pigeon.”

Boys try to save pigeon.

“Some boys found and tried to help a pigeon which couldn’t fly and was under a car. In a local Facebook group later a post appeared to them providing an update that someone had caught it and taken it to the vets but they had to put it to sleep due to a broken wing.