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a woman with light skin tone and shoulder length light brown hair wearing glasses and smiling broadly at the camera. She is wearing an orange top with a green ribbon pinned to it which reads “got dressed rather than staying in PJs until lunch.”

Dana shows kindness to herself with ribbon medal.

“Made and gave myself a medal! Working from home on your own business means it’s your own rules and standards! Mine is typically get up, do whatever mummy jobs etc, then I sit at my desk. I miss the shower and getting ready step until lunch sometimes! Not today! I was up! And thought that […]

a Travelodge reception area with an elf sat on the “hello and welcome” sign.

Travelodge allows free early check in.

“We misjudged how long it would take us to get to Birmingham but the Travelodge receptionist let us check in early for free so we could settle in and relax before going out to the event we were there for.” What a great example of kindness in business – have you experienced anything like this

3 bottles of milk on a brick floor. Behind them out of focus is a car and a large house.

Stranger pays for milk.

“I wasn’t well before xmas and went to get some milk but forgot my purse and phone – a random person paid for it!” This wonderful act of kindness was shared as part of a wellbeing workshop I ran recently and demonstrates how, with the right prompts, we can all think of stories of kindness

Text reads “kind leaders exist and they matter!”

What does a kind leader look like?

What does a kind leader look like? And how can you spot them? That’s what I’m thinking about a lot at the moment. It seems to me that the leaders we most often hear about (particularly in politics and in business) are the ones that follow what I think of as the ‘scary monster’ mould.

Trans flag

Gender-affirming adventures with friends

“Last weekend and this week I’ve had wonderfully gender-affirming adventures with friends, all very good friends who I rarely get to see in person. After a week of being almost constantly misgendered, I really needed that time with people who see me as I am and as I want to be.” A big thank you

A pair of elderly frail, wrinkled hands resting on a lap with a black and white checked dress over it.

Carer goes above and beyond.

“I have been experiencing kindness while looking after my frail, elderly mother. We now have a carer coming for three hours each weekday morning: she only started last week, and has already rejigged some of her other commitments in order to be able to offer me additional respite on some evenings. And Mum’s long-term companionship

the inside of a care with 6 women visible, 2 in the front, 3 behind, one of which is Sarah peeking round a headrest, and one further back.

Friends celebrate birthday with kindness.

At the weekend, I went to Winchester for an overnight stay with a group of girlfriends to celebrate my 50th (again! Milking it, moi?!) My lovely friend Karen drove all 6 of us down there in her car. Kind to the other drivers in the group and kind to the planet, as we only took

The Old Fairchild Place raffle conclusions!! #monsterdonalert Together we raised: Trans Lifeline: $2226.70 The Trevor Project: $264.21 Extra Life: $53.50 Egale Canada: $100.00 A total of $2644.51!! Thank you everyone who contributed to these great causes! This has been really exciting to watch, a whole community brought together by love for one another and a love for very bad movies. It is important to remember that we have one another! Raffle winner to be announced in the next post!”

Monsterdon fundraiser becomes annual event after huge success.

“The #Monsterdon weekly watch party conducted an ad hoc fundraiser and donated over $2640. It will now be an annual event. The Old Fairchild Place raffle conclusions!! #monsterdonalert Together we raised: Trans Lifeline: $2226.70 The Trevor Project: $264.21 Extra Life: $53.50 Egale Canada: $100.00 A total of $2644.51!! Thank you everyone who contributed to these

A large Marks and Spencer store with lots of cars parked outside it.

Marks and Spencer rescue lost baby carrier.

“We left our baby carrier/sling in one of the cafes at the big M&S store at Cheshire Oaks. We didn’t realise until a day or so later and I rang the store. The person I spoke to was extremely friendly and helpful and he went all the way up to the cafe to ask there.

A person with light skin tone and light brown hair wearing a black face mask, a red scarf and a black coat, sitting on a padded blue chair. Behind them is a decorated Christmas tree.

Staff chair for disabled passenger.

“Our ferry was delayed by several hours and I’m disabled. The person in the ferry point took one of the staff chairs out for me so I didn’t have to sit on the really painful chairs while we waited.” We’re sharing stories of kindness every day – read some of our other stories: Corporal provides paddling pool for