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This collection of posts illustrates the difference that acts of kindness make to others’ lives. Your actions matter and these good news posts show you how.

White text on a black background. Text reads “We could do this kindness thing better.”

Kind Loook

I recently chatted with Daniel Burns of KindLoook – someone across the globe with the same mission to get people sharing and talking about more kindness. If you love what we do here, go and check out Kind Loook too, you can find their website here, and fill your feed with positivity and hope by […]

the inside of a train carriage. A pair of legs in skinny jeans and red converse rest on a suitcase under the table, the seat across from them is empty. Through the window is blurry grass and trees.

Stranger offers breastfeeding support.

“A young woman sitting next to me on the train was telling her friend that her sister has to stop breastfeeding her young baby due to a health problem of her own and that she feels really guilty that she can’t feed her baby. I couldn’t help myself, I had to interrupt! I told her

a black rucksack being held against a white background by a hand reaching from out of frame.

Stranger holds backpack.

“A chap I’d just met offered to hold my backpack so I could take my jacket off.” This was one of the stories shared at a recent workshop and just goes to show how powerful the experience of taking part in my Wellbeing Workshops is as it helps us focus on the good. Learn more

A pair of elderly frail, wrinkled hands resting on a lap with a black and white checked dress over it.

Carer goes above and beyond.

“I have been experiencing kindness while looking after my frail, elderly mother. We now have a carer coming for three hours each weekday morning: she only started last week, and has already rejigged some of her other commitments in order to be able to offer me additional respite on some evenings. And Mum’s long-term companionship

a laptop screen showing a soft light which clips on to a phone to light a face for video calls.

Lighting tips for video calls.

In a recent Rethinkers group call on Zoom, people were sharing tips and recommendations for ring lights and other tech to get the best lighting on calls. Sharing knowledge is a wonderful kindness and I’m very grateful for it! See some other ways kindness shows up with these stories: Marks and Spencer rescue lost baby

Sarah, a woman with light skintone and shoulder length light brown hair, sitting on a train with a burgundy scarf around her neck which she is holding up to show off the sparkling embroidery on it.

Cafe Nero customer compliments scarf.

I was standing in the queue to order coffee in Café Nero and the lady in front of me said how much she liked my scarf. We had a quick conversation about the need for some sparkle in dreary January. It really made me smile! The baristas clearly knew their regulars, of which this lady

a welcome mat which reads “all our welcome here” with a metal container of green apples beside it.

Warm welcome for Mastodon newbies.

“I’ve seen so many newbies delighted and surprised by the warm welcome they have received here (on Mastodon).” An anonymous Mastodon user contacted us to ask if we would share a post about this and of course we are – warm welcomes are a wonderful act of kindness! You can find us over there on

a toddler with black hair and medium light skin tone sits in a trolley beside grocery store shelves filled with sweets.

Harried parent let in front at grocery store.

“A lady behind me in the grocery line had kids’ party supplies in her cart – she looked harried and I had only a few things in my basket. I asked her if she’d like to go ahead, and she started to tear up, and thanked me profusely. I wonder if everyone tried to do

Kindness at an aerobics class!

My aerobics class was busier than usual so space was at a premium. I offered to swap places with someone who had to stand on the opposite side of the room due to lack of space. I guessed that she found it trickier to follow the teacher from the other side to what she’s used

a rainbow Converse shoe in some long grass.

Stranger comes to the rescue after shoe poo situation.

“Not all heroes wear capes! Big thanks to the taxi driver who helped us out yesterday when 2 minutes into our journey to deliver Boxing Day presents we noticed a smell 💩 ! I must’ve trod in it the night before. I knew there’d be no grass to try & wipe it off where we