I had a fantastic day in the sun with these lovely friends Let’s Rock the Moor 80s festival in Cookham yesterday.
I met these wonderful women at our first NCT antenatal class nearly 16 years ago. We have seen each other through a lot over the years. There has been a lot of kindness (and a lot of coffee, cake, tears and pink wine!)
Here’s just a few examples:
- When I got word while at the park that my mum had been taken into hospital, they took care of my baby daughter & took me straight to the hospital
- When I had to leave my daughter in tears at the childminder’s, they sent me reassuring messages that I was a good mum and K would be fine (they were right)
- When I was made redundant unexpectedly, they rallied round with confidence-boosting & pink wine, then supported my idea to set up my own business
- When I have to leave events early because of post-covid lack of energy (still!), they don’t make me feel like I’m being rubbish
What kindness have your friends shown you?