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Free coaching for new business owner.

Two men sitting at a table together in conversation. One looks younger and has dark skin tone and short hair and is wearing a black t-shirt, the other has light skin tone and short brown hair and is wearing a cream short sleeved shirt.

“I met someone last week with a great business idea but no start up funds which she needs. I offered and delivered a free coaching session to them.

I also offered free coaching to 2 more people in my network who are struggling with something.”

This anonymous business owner is a kindness superhero to us – offering support to people is a wonderful act of kindness.

What kindness did you see this week?

Remind yourself how many people are being kind every day with more stories:

Someone stopped to take a picture of me wild swimming and sending it to me after.

Local helps bus passenger get to co-op.

Bee saved with sugar water.