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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Day 22 – use the language of kindness

Day 22 – use the language of kindness

An image with the quote that was so kind of you to do that

When something is kind, call it kind.

A small but simple way to amplify kindness is to use the language of kindness. If you see a kind act, name it as such, either just to yourself or to the people you’re with.

Bonus points if you share it with us so we can share the kindness even further!

Here’s some language you might want to try if naming kindness is new to you:

“That was a really kind thing for you to do, thank you.”
“It was so kind of you to do that.”
“I saw you insert kindness here and I just wanted to say that was really kind of you.”
“Thank you for being kind.”
“It’s so lovely to see kindness in action.”