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kindness of strangers

These good news tales about the kindness of strangers are intended to be uplifting and give readers faith in humanity.

a motorbike parked at the side of a small road on a hill in the Newlands pass in Buttermere. Beyond it is a beautiful view of grassy hills on a sunny day.

Kindness on the Newlands pass in Buttermere.

“I was riding my new motorbike, coming near to the end of my ride and thought I’d head up to one of Cumbria’s beautiful passes, in this case it was the Newlands pass in Buttermere. I parked my bike up (in gear, I’m new but not stupid, or so I thought) and got off to […]

a doctors surgery built with red brick and tiles, some large sections of window in it, and a street light outside it. The light is on but it is daylight but overcast.

Stranger at doctors waits for elderly lady to use stairs.

There was an elderly lady coming down the stairs at my doctor’s surgery so I waited at the bottom before heading up. When she realised I was waiting for her, she said something about her knees, she seemed to feel she needed to justify being slow, so I just reassured her that there was no

An amusement arcade with some slot machines in the foreground and other machines in the background.

Arcade tickets given to strangers.

“In half term, my friend and I decided to go swimming and afterwards we thought we would have a go at a couple of the arcade games in the arcade in the next building. The way it works is after each game you get a certain amount of blue tickets, which you can then trade

a young boy wearing a green tshirt, sits on a grassy floor, head in his hands, mud and scrapes down his arms.

Fellow parent helps after toddler takes a tumble.

“My toddler son Ollie and I decided to make the most of the elusive sunshine and head out for a dog walk and play at Churchdown Park Recreation Ground in Gloucestershire. We were happily running about when Ollie took a tumble on the hard surface of the football/basketball pitch, landing on his forehead. Cue lots

The Vine Tree Inn viewed from outside, there is a large tree beside the path to the Inn. The inn itself is a grey stone building with ivy growing over part of it and a burgundy sign on the wall.

Vine Tree Inn support family after father collapses.

“On Saturday 22nd February myself my husband and my 80 yr old parents went to the Vine tree Inn Randwick, Stroud for a meal. My elderly father who has a few health conditions collapsed at the end of the meal. He was unwell and lay on the floor for some time until the ambulance came

a trumpet sitting beside it’s case on a tiled floor

Lost 1960s trumpet returned.

“We live in Liverpool and my son Samuel was taking the bus to school. He put the trumpet case under the seat at the bus stop and then got on the bus. He only realised the trumpet was missing when he got to school. The trumpet is a 1960s jazz trumpet so is quite expensive.

a view of a car from inside, hands holding the wheel. The view through the windows is out of focus.

Car let out of difficult junction.

“A car driver let me out of a tricky junction as their viewpoint was much clearer than me edging out.” We can all appreciate the big difference a small kindness like this makes – that’s something we sometimes discuss in my wellbeing workshops where this story was shared. Learning to focus on these positives is

a beautiful Red Fox Labrador sitting in a field on a sunny day, mouth open slightly as if she’s smiling.

Labrador found thanks to community kindness.

“I was walking my son’s fox red Labrador, Millie, in Saltram and I lost her. One minute she was there, the next she was gone. I was so so worried. I asked lots of people if they had seen her and so many people were just so kind and wanted to help. One gentleman offered

Two men sitting at a table together in conversation. One looks younger and has dark skin tone and short hair and is wearing a black t-shirt, the other has light skin tone and short brown hair and is wearing a cream short sleeved shirt.

Free coaching for new business owner.

“I met someone last week with a great business idea but no start up funds which she needs. I offered and delivered a free coaching session to them. I also offered free coaching to 2 more people in my network who are struggling with something.” This anonymous business owner is a kindness superhero to us

an envelope with a thick wad of Euros fanned out from it.

Co-op and Change Link return lost €1200.

“I went to London on Friday 14th Feb, and purchased 1200€ in cash from the foreign exchange bureau at Victoria station. I then went for a lovely lunch in Farringdon. We got the train home to Brighton early evening. On arriving home I checked my handbag and realised that the money was not in my