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Home » Short Stories about Kindness » Nicolette contacted me to tell me about a podcast she thought I would make a good guest for.

Nicolette contacted me to tell me about a podcast she thought I would make a good guest for.

a microphone and two pairs of headphones on a table. Text overlaid reads “Nicolette contacted me to tell me about a podcast she thought I would make a good guest for.”

If you know of any podcasts that would be a good fit, I’d love to hear about them – or for you to suggest me to them!

Nicolette Evans contacted me to tell me about a podcast she had come across that she thought I would make a good guest for, as an opportunity to spread the word about Time for Kindness.

I really appreciate Nicolette’s kindness and every opportunity to spread the message of “see kind”!

Learn more about Time for Kindness here.