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Kindness Blog

This series of blogs is designed to spark ideas for building on the positive things that already happen. I’m always on the look-out for new writers, especially from under-represented groups who don’t always get a chance to have their voices heard. If you’d like to write for Time for Kindness, send me your kindness blog idea.

A photo of Swati's parents wearing sunglasses at the beach with the ocean behind them

What if … communities embrace all migrants with kindness

In this latest guest blog I bring you a beautiful story of kindness, learning and welcoming. A huge thank you to communicator, Swati Joshi, for sharing her family’s uplifting story of migration as a positive experience. As a 1st generation Indian American, I was excited to watch @KamalaHarris sworn in as VP of the US. […]

Cartoon strip illustrating what it means to truly listen, 2 figures with one asking 'how are you', a speech bubble saying 'that must have been hard work', one person asking 'what can I do to help' and a speech bubble saying 'thank you'

What if… I demonstrate wise compassion?

This month’s guest blog comes from facilitator, author and founder of Inky Thinking, Tom Russell. As a leader of an organisation, he has spent a lot of time considering the importance of kindness and is able to demonstrate what that looks like with his team on a daily basis. Kindness in leadership is a subject

Akua and 2 of her fellow volunteers at the Netball World Cup

What if…we all take joy from being a volunteer

Following on from Volunteers Week 2021, it seemed only right to ask experienced volunteer, Akua Opong, to write this month’s guest blog. She shares with us the joy that she gets from her volunteering activities and the ways in which they benefit the organisations, herself and her employer. Read on and be inspired…. The Covid-19

a pair of hands and tattooed forearms using social media on a mobile phone

What if… we create cycles of kindness on social media

This month I welcome social media guide, Alexis Bushnell, to the blog. She shares some wonderful insight into the power we all have to create feeds that will breed kindness and make us smile. What if I told you that you have more power to control what happens on social media than Mark Zuckerberg? I

A chalkboard that reads Welcome, please come in

Who’s in the room?

A few weeks ago I finally got round to watching the Channel 4 drama, It’s a Sin. It depicts the lives of a group of friends living in London in the 1980s as the HIV/AIDS crisis developed and impacted them directly. As you might expect from a series written by Russell T Davies, it was

chessboard with one black piece in the middle of white pieces

What if… we all live our own truth?

I am incredibly lucky to be able to feature guest bloggers each month and to share new voices and perspectives. This month, therapist and business founder Sara-Louise Ackrill shares her thoughts on the benefits to us all when we live our truth instead of trying to hide our difference. As an autistic woman I mask

A little girl wearing a T-shirt that says Future Leader

What if… leaders prioritise kindness?

This month I am delighted to bring to you a ‘What If’ blog piece from communications manager, Nafisa Shafiq. She shares a personal experience of kindness from a manager and talks us through actions that leaders can take to prioritise kindness. It was 9.47 on Saturday morning when I heard my phone ring. I was

A person stands with arms outstretched in front of a moody night sky and a lit up heart shape of authenticity and self-compassion

What if….you are your own inner ally?

Being kind has many elements to it. Showing kindness to others is an important aspect, as is treating yourself well. For this month’s ‘What If’ blog, I’m delighted to bring you this piece from Lucy Whitehall, a wellbeing coach for senior leaders and managers, who shares her personal story of self-compassion. Imagine if you will,

Chimps at Monkey World

What makes a good story?

I’ve just spent half an hour watching a Facebook live video of the bachelor chimp group at Monkey World in Dorset. I couldn’t tear myself away! And although this morning’s session wasn’t billed as a story, it strikes me that actually the team at Monkey World do a fantastic job of story-telling. Across their social

2 wooden model figures each holding a jigsaw piece and connecting them together to collaborate

Tips to articulate your kindness stories

At a time when charities are #NeverMoreNeeded, expressing the impact you have in the world is more important than ever. As a sector we need to show how we remain relevant in a rapidly-changing world. Your organisation is making the world kinder: how you express that will depend on your audiences. You need to identify