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How Can We Help?



I created Time for Kindness as a way to bring together people who believe in kindness. And people who want to believe in it, but are nervous about that belief. By telling stories of kindness, we make each other smile, inspire hope and encourage positivity.

The Time for Kindness programme is not about denying the bad things that go on in the world, but it is about saying that’s not the only story. Sharing stories of the kindness we see around us changes the narrative we have about the world and about ourselves within it. The more we ‘see kind’, the more we notice it and the better we feel.

That’s why the members of Team TfK and I share stories and celebrate the kindness that we know exists in the world. Grab yourself a cuppa or other comforting beverage and take a look at the stories, blogs and ideas on this site.

Since the early days when I started it up, the Time for Kindness programme has grown. We are now building a community of voluntary Kindness Ambassadors who share our vision of a world where kindness is noticed. And where it is openly and frequently talked about.

I also regularly write and speak about kindness and the power it has to connect us. And I run workshops to teach people tips and techniques for seeing kindness. It comes more naturally to some than others and can be particularly tough to do on dark days. If you’d like to book me to speak at your event or run a workshop for you, do get in touch.

Through my purpose-led company, Browning York, I also work as an NLP-qualified, independent kindness cheerleader and communicator with not-for-profit organisations and for-purpose businesses that make the world a kind place.

Kindness is active. Kindness is contagious. Kindness is all around us. We just don’t talk about it enough – yet!

Take care,


Find out more about the services I offer and the ways in which we can work together.

An image that says Awarded by Emotions Activity Book Hero of the Month Sarah Browning 04-24
A blue and grey circle that includes the words #MatchedByMediaTrust and I volunteer with Media Trust